Adjourn, make a mess, forgive 2017

Read about the 5-day journaling challenge I’m cohosting with my idol, Sofia Cope.

“All I wanted was my art and the chance to be the creator of my own world, my own reality. I wanted the open road and new beginnings every day.”

― Charlotte Eriksson

Quick recap of 2017: I launched the year carrying a freshly-diagnosed depression, which changed to bipolar a few months later. I experienced the weirdest highs and lows in my life because of this. I got a tempting job offer and turned it down, got a promotion, tried spoken word, and learned tarot. I gave workshops and courses, launched an event that was almost successful, got a fantastic boyfriend, figured out my constants, tried cleaning up my pseudo-branding, and altogether succeeded well and failed miserably.

There’s so much about the year that you and I need to recognize, and to forgive. My question is: how gently would you like to do it? And how do you decide which moments to take a long, close look at?

Before the age of digital branding and marketing, my blogging style was simply the format of long, ramblings of the heart, quite like an open diary. And things like these are what I poured out onto the keyboard: cravings for love, suspended struggle, the closed road behind me and the open one ahead. I often miss writing that pensively and so personally, whether online or in my notebooks.

So it was with a humbled and astonished heart that I accepted an invitation to co-create a year-ender journaling challenge with my all-time muse, Sofia Cope.

Adjourn: making messes between the pages is a 5-day, daily journaling challenge to end the year. With daily prompts to reflect on, you can prepare for the new year by making peace with what 2017 has been able—or unable—to give you. You can take responsibility for the mess you made on the journey—and see it for the work of art it is at the end of the day.

It happens daily starting December 27, is absolutely free, and will be held at Sofia’s MUSES MASTERMIND group.

Click through here to learn more and to participate.

I will see you there as a fellow muse.

Get love letters via email.


One response to “Adjourn, make a mess, forgive 2017”

  1. CHIKRET Avatar

    YAAAYY Congrats again for thisssss

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