Tag: about people
Posts with this tag are written about, inspired by, and/or dedicated to people who may (metaphorically) still have my scarf in their drawer.
The Isolation Journals: Dead Wrong
In response to an Isolation Journals prompt, I’m thinking about an on-again off-again friend I was wrong about.
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The Isolation Journals: Glorious awkwardness
Day 4 of The Isolation Journals. I’m standing at a food stall on campus when my happy crush, whom I’d only ever liked from afar, picks the same food stall to buy water from.
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Truth Thursday: We Have Forgotten
Resurfacing a very old scribble dedicated to past loves (and heartbreaks).
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The Longest Absence [Flash fiction]
A flash fiction scribble about leaving, and the people who keep doing it.
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On Time And Again
Nearly three years ago, I met a boy who didn’t feel things. He was strange, and I liked strange people.
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