Author: Apple Nocom

  • On status anxiety, roots, and even more inner work

    On status anxiety, roots, and even more inner work

    I write about rejection sensitivity, the notion of losing love, and the resurfacing of younger selves. (Originally posted on Substack.)

  • On inner child work

    On inner child work

    Baby Apple’s dreams, anxieties, pursuits, and the way she persists into the present. (Originally posted on Substack.)

  • From the drafts

    As I battle my fear of being seen, here are some excerpts from letters I wrote and never published. (Originally posted on Substack.)

  • Crystallized [Flash fiction]

    Crystallized [Flash fiction]

    A flash fiction piece about stolen memories. Written for Flash Fiction Friday’s prompt “Crystallized” (#FFF 225) and part of the Makoltaverse library.

  • Enough is enough

    Oversharing little griefs again: the only pathway I know into writing again. (Originally posted on Substack.)

  • brain fog [a poem]

    A journal entry that turned into a rant that turned into a poem about executive dysfunction.

  • The Isolation Journals: Dead Wrong

    In response to an Isolation Journals prompt, I’m thinking about an on-again off-again friend I was wrong about.

  • how to come back from the dead

    A Halloween-meets-depressive-episode list about returning from the dark place.