Category: Essays
When disability bleeds into a pandemic
[Content warning: discussion of heavy mental illness and the pandemic.] As “the new normal” becomes a buzz phrase, I think about how none of this is new or normal for me.
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The Isolation Journals: First Line
Last night I dreamed I went to Manderley again. Though by Manderley, I mean Mahooz: the last neighborhood I lived in before leaving Bahrain.
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I knew I’d want to check in and reflect on this day, every year, and pay attention to how quickly time flew, how unpredictable change arrived, and how fleeting all of it was.
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I’ll never be famous—and I don’t know if that’s okay.
An introspective response to an op-ed by Emily Esfahani Smith “You’ll never be famous — and that’s okay.”
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Inspired goals: how I set my intentions each year
Plans are more about our relationship with life and less about checklists.
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Truth Thursday: Shake it out
Reflecting on how depression takes grace and poise away from me.
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