Ten Honest Thoughts From A Fragile-Hearted Girl

When the heart was too fragile for sense, I wrote a list.

1. I have always wanted to be a truth-teller. But the kind of truth I want to tell takes words and time, the kind of time nobody has for me.

2. It is often said that Life does not give you anything you cannot handle, but maybe Life has mistaken the strength of my hands for the strength of my heart.

3. Anyone who tells you that you are in control of yourself has not felt their knees buckle, their voice shake or their vision fade against their will.

4. My heart is constantly failing, but nobody will take that without a medical note.

5. There is so much suffering and I have such small hands.

6. There is no medication for all the hurts I most want to heal.

7. I am often told there is no point in looking back and having regrets. Have you ever been ruined by something you did not choose?

8. Mistakes are so costly, and not so easily forgivable when the breaths you take are limited and few.

9. I want to be an earth-mover, but I myself falter on shaky feet.

10. All I ever want is to feel safe.

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7 responses to “Ten Honest Thoughts From A Fragile-Hearted Girl”

  1. stalethoughts Avatar

    Love 4,7,8,9,10.

  2. stressingoutstudent Avatar

    This is beautiful. Simple as that.

  3. edgeof40 Avatar


  4. athena Avatar

    Reblogged this on Painting Flowers and commented:
    I don’t think words can ever give justice to the beauty and honesty that is this list.

  5. Alyssa Panghulan Avatar

    I’m sorry it’s kinda off-topic but I love your blog! Te-hee. I mean your header and your sidebar avatar! 🙂

    1. Apple Avatar

      Awww, thanks! That made me kilig. Hihi.

  6. […] There is so much pain. And I have such small hands. […]

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