Playing Favorites: On April

An “In Real Life, Lately” recap of April.

Housekeeping note: This entry used to have images which were lost in migration. Accept my apologies over what this post could have been.

Art in the Park / To sort of make up for missing Art Fair this year, we made a Sunday stop at Art in the Park in Makati. AITP is an affordable, homegrown art fair of local artists and sellers. I was only there to look around, but I was terribly tempted by some postcards and stickers.

Dungeons & Dragons / I have a separate post drafted for this, to be posted after a second session, but yes! I played the time-old, role-playing, tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons. It was hosted at our company HQ with a former intern playing as Dungeon Mistress Celeste. I’m quite in love with my character, a half-elf Druid named Denara.

Escolta / Pristine and I took an excursion into the picturesque street of Escolta for some bargain shopping and a photo walk. I walked away with some postcards and stickers (my souvenir weakness, I tell you) and a rad new top. And I don’t even say rad. Escolta is superbly pretty on the eyes; you can spot more photos on my Instagram!

Y4MH / After months of scouring for a mental health org I can volunteer in, I finally found a youth coalition called Youth For Mental Health. They called for volunteers to produce a series of videos, and I jumped on that wagon almost immediately, even landing a gig as head scriptwriter. I did some productive work and made new friends, so this plays high on my list of April faves. I can’t wait to show you the output.

Word of Mouth / A tough contender for my #1 fave, I joined a live storytelling event! I was one of nine speakers who got up and told any random, real life story on the theme “Getting there.” I have stage fright like crazy, but I’m decidedly sure that this is something I want to conquer. See you at the June session!

Plan C / I don’t like talking about this much on my online platforms precisely because it’s a wishy-washy plan; but I’m at least happy to let you know that a major life dream that I recently shelved may be coming back to the vision board! Look out for more stories and updates about Plan C.

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One response to “Playing Favorites: On April”

  1. hindi na na pala secret :( Avatar
    hindi na na pala secret 🙁

    To more months like this! 😀

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