Author: Apple Nocom
The Isolation Journals: Fine/Not Fine
Day 2 of The Isolation Journals. Sometimes you want to talk about your sadness like it’s the weather. It’s a damn shame but it is what it is. We don’t have to dwell.
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The Isolation Journals: Can I call this grief?
Day 1 of the Isolation Journals. While the feeling is specifically rooted in the global situation, it stretches out, connecting to a much earlier time.
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If I could erase this year from existence
This is how I’m ending 2019: anxious, sleepless, irrational, a ghost of the girl who entered the decade. A lot of what happened this year was my doing, yet somehow none of it was my fault.
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IRL, Lately: 11/11 and other synchronicities
In the spirit of “actual” blogging, some November activities: reading, writing, witchcraft and SMW Manila.
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I knew I’d want to check in and reflect on this day, every year, and pay attention to how quickly time flew, how unpredictable change arrived, and how fleeting all of it was.
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What color is your heart?
My blogging life began on the now-defunct, where I went through a phase of posting personality questionnaires and quizzes. There’s one still imprinted on my memory: what color is your heart? Mine, allegedly, was blue.
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A letter for the bad times, written on the slightly better times
It’s always a music box version of Bach: Cello Suite No. 1. It’s the biggest reason I don’t mind the alarms. The second is because I set these reminders surprisingly during the weekend of a mental health emergency.
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