Category: Journals

Maybe this is what you came for. Content warning for raw portrayals and chronicles of lived experiences with mental illness.

  • The Isolation Journals: Inside Seeing

    Day 6 of The Isolation Journals. Something happened that night that I haven’t experienced since my active reiki days. Something mundanely mystical.

  • The Isolation Journals: Glorious awkwardness

    Day 4 of The Isolation Journals. I’m standing at a food stall on campus when my happy crush, whom I’d only ever liked from afar, picks the same food stall to buy water from.

  • The Isolation Journals: Postcards from home

    Day 3 of The Isolation Journals. Today’s prompt is to write a travel entry from your own home; to explore your place of quarantine like it’s a foreign land.

  • The Isolation Journals: Fine/Not Fine

    Day 2 of The Isolation Journals. Sometimes you want to talk about your sadness like it’s the weather. It’s a damn shame but it is what it is. We don’t have to dwell.

  • The Isolation Journals: Can I call this grief?

    Day 1 of the Isolation Journals. While the feeling is specifically rooted in the global situation, it stretches out, connecting to a much earlier time.

  • If I could erase this year from existence

    This is how I’m ending 2019: anxious, sleepless, irrational, a ghost of the girl who entered the decade. A lot of what happened this year was my doing, yet somehow none of it was my fault.

  • What color is your heart?

    My blogging life began on the now-defunct, where I went through a phase of posting personality questionnaires and quizzes. There’s one still imprinted on my memory: what color is your heart? Mine, allegedly, was blue.

  • Ten Updated Notes To A Fragile-Hearted Girl

    Darling, we did it: we are truth-tellers.