- Wait for the full moon. It doesn’t have to be a full moon—pick any night you feel fullest, closest to alive.
- Gather three to five personal possessions. Something you can hold, preferably, or smell or taste; something to keep you here a while longer, until the ghosts begin to wear off.
- Remove from your person the parts or things that are better off unliving.
- Bury them.
- Compose a prayer.
- Say your prayer.
- Sit up from your resting place, slowly, patiently, determinedly. Take as long as necessary. Grasp the crumbled earth with your fingers. Inhale the collapsed air.
- When you are ready, get on your knees. Honor the parts of you that didn’t make it. Bid farewell. Bless the parts that made it back.
- You are simultaneously creator and creation, a giver and a gift, and you have every right to be here.
- Live.
how to come back from the dead
A Halloween-meets-depressive-episode list about returning from the dark place.
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